Shipping Laws for Presidia Gel®

Shipping Laws for Presidia Gel

In general, Presidia Gel is treated the same as OC or pepper spray. This document focuses on pepper spray laws as they are more readily available, and if there is a known difference due to Presidia Gel containing CS rather than OC, it will be noted.

 Pepper spray is legal to carry and use for self-defense in all 50 states. However, it may be limited or restricted in certain jurisdictions or under certain conditions. Some of these limitations include:

• Container size

• Amount of spray in container

• Spray concentration

• Age of person wanting to purchase or carry

• Use of spray (must be used in valid self-defense situation in all states, but some specifically state this in statutes)

• Prohibitions against felons or others with criminal history

• Prohibitions against using against law enforcement officers

Note: Laws are subject to change, such as the Wisconsin law that was ambiguous regarding CS and was changed to allow Presidia Gel to be used in Wisconsin. Additionally, some municipalities may have additional restrictions. Anyone wanting to carry an item for personal protection should check with local law enforcement officials and statues of that jurisdiction. 

As a general rule, even if not specifically stated in statutes, Presidia Gel should only be sold for self-defense purposes and to those without a criminal record (felony) who are 18 years or older.

State Overview

Alabama NA
Alaska NA
Arizona NA
Arkansas NA
California CA Statutes allow 2.5 ounces or less
Colorado NA
Connecticut NA
Delaware NA
Florida FL Statutes allow 2 ounces or less
Georgia NA
Hawaii Cannot currently ship any product to Hawaii. Statutes allow 0.5 ounce.
Idaho NA
Illinois NA
Indiana NA
Iowa NA
Kansas NA
Kentucky NA
Louisiana NA
Maine NA
Maryland NA
Massachusetts Cannot ship any product. Can only purchase through licensed dealer in Massachusetts.
Michigan Cannot ship any current product. Statutes allow 35 grams or 1.235 ounces
Minnesota NA
Mississippi NA
Missouri NA
Montana NA
Nebraska NA
Nevada NV Statutes allow 2.0 ounces or less
New Hampshire NA
New Jersey Cannot ship any current product. NJ Statutes allow .75 ounce or less
New Mexico NA
New York Cannot ship any product. Must purchase through authorized dealer in NY and be pocket size.
North Carolina NA
North Dakota NA
Ohio NA
Oklahoma NA
Oregon NA, except Portland 4 ounce limit
Pennsylvania NA
Rhode Island NA
South Carolina Cannot ship any current product. Statutes allows 50 cubic centimeters or 1.691 ounces
South Dakota NA
Tennessee NA
Texas NA
Utah NA
Vermont NA
Virginia NA
Washington NA
West Virginia NA
Wisconsin NA
Wyoming NA